Oh my head, I can't believe I haven't written anything in soooo long. What's up with that? Well, it's been busy, I've been busy at work which sometimes makes me craaazy, and now that summer is here, a lot to do outside and such. We actually have planted a veggie garden with tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, and eggplants and everything is doing very well! I just figured out that the tomato plants are indeterminate plants, didn't know what that was, but now know I need to prune them back like crazy to get the tomatoes the best flavor. So, that's what I'll be doing shortly. ON ANOTHER NOTE, walking back from getting coffee, almost got hit by a woman at a stoplight who wanted to turn in front of me...and yes folks, she was texting on her damn phone. I was not very happy. I basically just stood where I was in the crosswalk having the right of way, and looked at her until she stopped texting, then basically said in loud voice 'maybe you ought to be paying more attention to your driving, you almost hit me!' she didn't say anything. Well, her windows weren't open...but nonetheless, I didn't move for a few seconds, then finally I did and she pulled into the coffee shop. Apparently she couldn't wait the extra 10 seconds until she PARKED THE CAR to keep on texting. And she wasn't a younger person, she was like a soccer mom. Grrr...so that's how my day started. I know it will be better, pruning the tomato plants, going for a bike ride, walking the dogs. And I promise to write more this summer, much more often. :)