Sunday, December 31, 2006

Meet Rachel Mae Fisher!

Today was a big day in our family! My sister Debbie and husband Jeremy had their baby! A beautiful 7 lbs, 9 oz girl named Rachel Mae. She is just beautiful and has the most hair I've seen on a baby. Mother and daughter are doing very well. She was born at (seriously) 12:31pm on 12-31! She must have a great sense of timing! :) Here is one picture of her, more to come later as we go back to the hospital to visit. Yay!! It's so exciting!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Funny video/cast of "White Christmas"

Check out this "music video" on youtube. The performers are in our production of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" and they made this video on one of their days off. Taken from the Saturday Night Live skit with Chris Parnell and Andy Samburg, this is hysterical. Click here.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Me a Survivor fan

In addition to my love of Project Runway, I've also been a big fan of "Survivor" for most of its 13 seasons. Last night was the big ol' finale of Survivor: Cook Islands and I was soooo happy that Yul won! Woo! He played the game so well, and was incredibly nice and sincere to boot. Yay, Yul! One million bucks, man!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Photos from Dec. 9 Party

Took awhile for me to get to these, but here are some photos from our Housewarming/Birthday party last Saturday night. We also did an interfaith house blessing, and one of the photos of my and Joe's backsides (ah well..) are us putting a mezzuzah on the front door. My brother in law Jeremy read a Hebrew blessing for us, it was very nice.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Beginning to look like Christmas!

It's been awhile since I've written anything, sorry about that. It's been crazy busy at work, we currently have a six week run of "Irving Berlin's White Christmas" and it's nuts at the Ordway. People are crazy to get good tickets, which are limited at this point. So, been working longer hours, and come home rather tired. Joe and I put up lights outside of the house for the holidays, in the photo what you can't see is some cool lights near the street, outside of the fence. I'll try to get a photo of that, too and post it, it's very pretty. We got these "flood lights" and put red bulbs in them, which looks awesome against our house at night. Now all we need is some snow!

Max is stylin'

Isn't Max just too cute in his winter sweater? He doesn' t wear it indoors, we're not that weird. Just outside.