Boy, so it's been awhile since I've written anything, oy! Not sure where the time has gone. But nothing too new to report, actually. I was sick a few days last week, caught a nasty ol' cold that pretty much had me slammed for two and a half days, so spent the time at home resting, reading, resting, drinking tea and juices, resting, drinking more tea and juices. Today feeling about 90% better than I did Thursday for sure. And it happens to be a very lovely day in Minneapolis/St Paul, temperature close to 60, sunny skies, lovely. During the sick time, I started a new book (it seems I write a lot about books in my blog, don't I?) that I'm also just loving. It's called "The Devil in the White City" and it's an historical book about the building of the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893, revolving around two main real life persons, Daniel Burnham the architect behind the design of this World's Fair, and H.H. Holmes, probably America's first serial killer, who was doing his bad deeds in southern Chicago at the time leading up to and during the Exposition of 1893. Very fascinating story, and a true one. The book reads like a great novel, but the fact that it's all true is even more compelling. I promise to keep up on my writing better than I have! That's all for now.
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