Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Late in posting

I've been a bit remiss in my posting lately. What's been happening...Joe, I and Max went to Clear Lake over the Memorial Day holiday to spend it with Debbie, Jeremy, Rachel and of course, Daisy dawg. The weather was great, we fixed these awesome peach glazed pork chops with a peach salsa, yum yum. This week is the International Children's Festival at my job at the Ordway. So, lots of school children this week, and then the weekend is family weekend, so it will be very hectic. Monday night Annemarie stayed with us, and we watched this terrific Will Ferrell film "Stranger than Fiction." Not a typical Will Ferrell film at all, this was just wonderful. Very touching, good humour, rather poignant. If you haven't seen it, rent it.

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